First of all, thank you for the response on my last post. I was completely nervous about posting it but was pleasantly surprised by the positivity I received. To me, it confirms you got what I was saying. :)
I pride myself on being a decent "chef", when I do cook. Which is less than I'd like, but a decent amount still.
I also pride myself on winning over my Husband to vegetables. I think deep down it's an extra huge feat because growing up, my Mom rarely made cooked veggies. My Dad only liked corn cooked,
basically :)
First Hubs tried and liked asparagus. Then spinach. Then brussel sprouts. And THEN. Then, last night he tried Mushrooms for the second time since we've been married....and asked for "A few". Yippee! Go me. (Not to mention, he never used to eat fish. Now one of his favorite meals includes Salmon! Yes. I'm bragging a bit.)
So yesterday was a really chilly night and definitely called for some crusty bread, colorful salad, and roasted mushrooms. If only we had some wine, it would have been perfect.
What's your favorite chilly evening meal?
That looks so good! I may have to try ;)
enjoyed this and your food looked awesome! my favorite chilly evening meal is probably soup followed by hot peppermint chocolate! haha :) Lovely blog!
Kristin xx
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